teagan croft artinya
- teagan croft
- croft: sebidang tanah; penghulu
- the lass from the stormy croft: t?sen fr?n stormyrtorpet
- the girl from the marsh croft (novella): t?sen fr?n stormyrtorpet (novel)
- lara croft: tomb raider – the cradle of life: lara croft: tomb raider – the cradle of life; lara croft tomb raider: the cradle of life
- teacups: poci poci
- teacup without handle: cawan teh
- teahouse: rumah minum teh; rumah teh; warung kopi (bantuan)
- teacup: bekas minum; cangkir teh; cangkir
- teak: kayu jati; jati; pokok jati; pohon jati
- teachings: pengajaran; nasehat
- teak wood: kayu-jati
- teaching of jesus about little children: yesus dan anak-anak
- teakettle: kayu jati; teko teh; ketel
- Raven appears in her first live adaptation as one of the main cast of the Titans television series for the new DC streaming service played by Teagan Croft.
Raven muncul dalam adaptasi live pertamanya sebagai salah satu pemeran utama serial televisi Titans untuk layanan streaming DC baru yang dimainkan oleh Teagan Croft.